These pieces were played at the February 17 meeting in Short Hills:
David Starbuck
- 5 Studies — Dionisio Aguado
Jeffrey Wilt
- Evocacion (Suite del Recuerdo) — Jose Luis Merlin
- If You Were Here — Per Olof Kindgren
- Adios a Ocumare — Angel Marie Landaeta (arr Antonio Lauro)
Ray Butler
- Canco del Lladre — Llobet
- Waltz, Opus 8, No. 3 — Augustin Barrios Mangore
- Maria — Tarrega
Jim Tosone
- Boulevard of Broken Dreams — Green Day
- 21 Guns — “”
Jeff Griesemer
- Spanish Harlem — Ben E. King, arr. John Duarte
- If I Fell — Beatles, arr. Richard Drueding
- Cancion de Cuna —Leo Brouwer
Chris Freitag
- An die entfernte— Johann Casper Mertz
- Julia Florida — Augustin Barrios Mangore
- Yesterday — Beatles
Robert Ey
- Bouree from Lute Suite in Em — J.S. Bach
- Tarleton’s Resurrection — John Dowland
Raul Huaman
- Alfonsina y la Mar — Ariel Ramirez
- Days of Wine and Roses — Henry Mancini

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