Ray Butler
- Blackbird — Beatles (melody/chord, in a country western swing)
- Bye Bye Blackbird —Ray Henderson
Gary Lee
- Lullaby for the First Born — Nick Webb and Greg Carmichael
Jeffrey Wilt
- Prelude No. 5 — Bryan Johanson
- Squares Suspended — Andrew York
Stella Kosim
- Gavotta Choro – Villa Lobos
Ming Chao
- Nocturno — Slavko Fumic
Jeff Griesemer
- Let Us Break Bread Together — African-American spiritual, arr. Jeff Griesemer
Ken Kraus
- Pictures at an Exhibition, Promenade — Modest Mussorgsky, arr. Bridget Mermikides
- Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 (BWV 1007), Prelude — JS Bach, arr. Jeffrey McFadden
The cost of using Zoom this month is covered by a generous contribution from Jeff Griesemer.